Speaking to the Frontpagenews.ie, Deputy Buckley said the closure of marts will cause significant disruption to the agri-food sector.
“we need to move urgently to provide an alternative system through which farmers can sell livestock” he said.
Deputy Buckley said the Department of Agriculture and Food must engage constructively with industry professionals to work towards a functioning online system that is secure and transparent.
He said “marts have the contacts, infrastructure, equipment and payment systems in place and these should be utilised during the suspension of marts to ensure the safe trading of livestock.”
Mr Buckley said Sinn Fein has already been in contact with the Beef Plan Movement and Emerald Isle Beef Producers who are in the process of developing an online application for selling livestock.
He urged the Agriculture Minister to engage with both groups to ensure its development.
Minister Creed says he hopes to bring greater clarity on what role marts could play by the end of the week.