Cork East TD Seán Sherlock has demanded that East Cork be allocated a Community Assessment Hub as the HSE confirmed the nearest hub to East Cork Communities was either Mallow or the northside of Cork city.
“You are asking an entire geographic area to decamp to either the city or to Mallow which will have their own geographical demands,” said Deputy Sherlock.
“It makes sense for people in the communities of Cobh, Midleton, Youghal and Carrigtwohill, along with the surrounding hinterland, to have a local Community Assessment Hub to stem any potential flow of the virus. I have requested the East Cork receive its fair share of Community Assessment Hubs as a matter of urgency so as not to unduly panic people who may not have their own transport means.

I am from Cobh and truthfully everyone should be able toget to Cork to get tested with all the community volunteers available . There is no need to waste resources to set up a testing area in east Cork. Typical of labour waste our resources.