Construction Information Services CSI are reporting that An Bord Pleanala have granted permission to construct one of the biggest housing developments in Cobh in over a decade.

1 Ashgrove land limited applied last December to the planning authority to build 240 mix type units on a 34 acre site adjacent to the Cluain Árd estate, just 1 mile from the Town centre.
Residents and local Cllrs had objected to the €47.5 million development claiming it was too bulky, would clog roads, and put untold strain on infrastructure including schools and doctors.
This morning Friday 10 April the board decided to grant planning under strategic housing legislation.
Its uncertain what conditions the board have attached to the planning approval if any.
In their application to the Bord last December, Ash Grove referred to the population growth on the island between 1996 and 2016 in their supporting documentation.
In the past two decades the Island’s population has grown by 51% to almost 13,000, nearly double the growth which Cork County saw in the same period (29%).Under the County Development Plan, Cork County Council hope to develop 1800 new homee by 2023.
Even though Cork County Council had no specific role in deciding the application, the Cobh Municipality Cllrs had urged the Planning Authority to reject the proposal, as they felt it was uncertain that sufficient funding would be found to develop the necessary roads infrastructure.
The Ballyleary site includes plans for townhouses, apartments, semi-detached and detached homes.
Labour Cllr Cathal Rasmussen who has been supporting the residents says building houses is vital for cobh and the people of Cobh. But there are “huge concerns” about the infrastructure on and off-the-island and the widths of the local roads in the area.
“other issues like lack of doctors and school places need to be addressed but until I see the conditions attached to the planning I don’t know have these concerns been taken into account”
“We need to build houses but the services need to go in with or before houses can be built to ensure that people can live properly in the town” said Mr Rasmussen.
A recently commissioned report has shown that Belvelly Bridge has reached capacity, giving further concerns for traffic volumes between Belvelly Bridge and Cobh Cross, should the development go ahead.