Banking for the over 50s

Silver surfers at midleton bank of ireland

The advantages are well worth the learning curve was the message to over 60 elderly citizens that attended the Bank of Irelands Silver Surfer day in Midleton.
Bank staff were on hand to guide the pensioners through the process pointing out its benefits of online banking.
Age Action Ireland have teamed up with the bank to deliver basic computer classes for the over 55’s in a variety of locations across Cork County. The aim of the course is to make older people comfortable using computers and the internet.
According to Age Action Ireland  ” take up on the course last year was very good which led to many signing up for online banking.”
The benefits of such a facility are well document, easy access to your accounts, online at a time that suites you 24/7, track your transactions, pay bills, transfer money between accounts and to others, bank while on holiday and its safer.
Many may feel at unease when banking at ATM’S, banking online can solve that.
Francis O’Riordan and Ber Horgan who attended the coffee morning told the ” going to these classes will help to open up other educational opportunities. We found the talk by Garda Rachel McGrath on security very informative. We as a nation are very trusting when somebody calls to our door. It was good to see the other side of things.”
If you are over 55 and want to get online,you can contact Age Action Ireland on 021-4536556.
Age Action are also seeking volunteers to help run their 1 on 1 course.

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